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11/14/19 06:28 PM #9134    


Dick Garrelts

Please keep Mike Klein in your prayers.  He is in the hospital after a serious injury.  Recovery has been long and difficult for him.

11/14/19 06:53 PM #9135    


Kathi Geiser (Wright)

πŸ’™ sending Mike lots of love,enjoyed visiting with him at the Palm Garden after Denis Seerley's memorual.

Reading my NEBRASKA LIFE magazine.  I highly recommend it, have been a fan for years.


11/16/19 09:10 AM #9136    


Barb Arnold (Jacobitz)

Good morning! 

Just wanted to let anyone that may be interested know, that Vickie Klein has a Caring Bridge page set up to follow Mike’s recovery and health status. Keep him in your prayers as it sounds as though his recovery could be long. A good friend of mine’s son is neighbors to Mike and Vickie in Holdrege and I have felt so sad for Mike and his family since I learned of his fall, skull fractures and hemorrhagic stroke. ( not sure how to actually get on Caring Bridge, but I believe you would just type in his name in the search category)...I will try it later.

Kathi, sad that the mayor vote didn’t go like it should have πŸ˜• would have been outstanding! God may have other great plans for you! You have a true passion and commitment to the city of Loveland! πŸ’›

11/16/19 09:08 PM #9137    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Thanks for posting about Mike!  I did visit his Caring Bridge site!  I tried posting Vickie's first and last posts but wasn't able to get it posted in this message.  He had surgery Thursday and it went well.  Please keep him in your prayers!

11/19/19 09:49 AM #9138    


Jerry Ohlmann

Here's the link to Caring Bridge so classmates can send messages to Mke Klein and follow his medical progress


11/19/19 10:13 AM #9139    


Jerry Ohlmann

For those World War II buffs . . . I just finished an excellent book titled "The Jersey Boys" by Sally Mott Freeman.  A documented story of 3 brothers serving in the Navy and all fighting the war in the Pacific against Japan.   It does contain some gruesome detail of how Japan treated our POW's and how the war was fought and won. It was researched and written by the daughter of one of the brothers. It's a must read of you like World War II history.

11/19/19 04:46 PM #9140    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

Mike and I took in a matinee today. Saw "Midway". Highly recommend it.

11/20/19 10:22 AM #9141    


Cindy Walters (Castillo)

Susie got an email through her church requesting prayers for Cindy Foote. She has a huge blood clot from her knee to her groin.  It is very serious. She is in ICU, and has to have a procedure done every 24 hours until it is dissolved. Small clots have moved to her lungs. Please keep her, Jerry and their family in your prayersπŸ™πŸ»

11/20/19 11:50 PM #9142    


Ron Smith

Happy birthday to you Leanna!!!!!

11/21/19 08:18 AM #9143    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Updates on Mike and Cindy: Cindy is in Bryan in Lincoln, still in ICU.  Jerry and their boys are with her.  Mike was moved to Madonna Rehab in Lincoln.  Anyone with updates on either one, please post in the Forum for us!  

Sandy Humphrey who was in our class until she was a junior, passed away last Sunday.  Keep her family in your prayers too!

Please let us know if there are others in need of prayers.

11/21/19 01:13 PM #9144    


Cindy Walters (Castillo)

Jerry sent message today that said they got about 2/3 of the clot with the procedure last night. They have to contend with the one in the abdomen tonight at 5. A friend of mine talked to Cindy last night. She was upbeat and sounded positive. She was excited all three of her boys had arrived. Continue to pray for her!

11/21/19 03:20 PM #9145    


Jerry Cummings

I visited Cindy today.  She's doing well and is in great spirits.  

11/21/19 10:59 PM #9146    


Cindy Walters (Castillo)

Update from Jerry: The remainder of the clot is gone. Cindy will be moved out of ICU and will get to go home Saturday morning if all goes as planned. 

11/22/19 05:02 PM #9147    


Jerry Cummings

I visited Mike Klein today.  He's in Room 217 Madonna Rehab, 5401 South Street, Lincoln.  He's alert and Vicki is sharing his room 24/7 so he's getting the attention he needs.  I'd say we had a nice visit but since I did all the talking, Mike may not agree.   His speech and the rest will come with time.  Vicki is prepared for them to be there for several months so those who can, pls feel welcome to stop in and brighten his day.  He knows everyone is thinking about him and appreciates your prayers.  Happy Thanksgiving, all.  (  

11/22/19 09:19 PM #9148    


Ron Smith

Thanks for the recent updates Cindy and Jerry. I know a lot of us are very concerned about Cindy and Mike.

11/23/19 10:53 AM #9149    


Deb Peterson (Ryan)

I went to see Cindy Thursday and Friday and the treatment was successful in getting rid of the clot(s). I received a text from Cindy this morning and she's doing great and headed home to Kearney this morning.  They're all very grateful for all the thoughts and prayers. 

11/23/19 04:51 PM #9150    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Thanks for the update Deb!  I've been wondering if she was able to come home today!  Glad everything went well for her this week.  It had to be scary!  Welcome home Cindy!  Thanks Cindy WC for all the updates and Jerry and Deb for visiting Mike and CIndy and keeping us informed!

11/24/19 05:01 PM #9151    


Cindy Walters (Castillo)

Cindy made it home yesterday. She is glad to be home and thankful it is over. Wanted me to tell everyone thanks for their concern and prayers. 

11/28/19 09:06 AM #9152    


Anna Sobotka (Schroeder)


11/29/19 07:03 PM #9153    


Ron Smith

Happy birthday to Bill Lynn my old team mate with the Fireman baseball team in Pony League.Also,on our KHS wrestling team.

12/02/19 07:33 PM #9154    


Ron Smith

Condolences to Dick Kincaid on the passing of his brother in law Brad Schrack.Sue's brother. Rest in peace.

12/03/19 11:07 PM #9155    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Many of you know I have been looking for lost classmates and that I love making quilts.  Recently a friend brought me several t-shirts and asked me to turn them into a quilt by Christmas!  I have never made quilts for other people, only made my own to gift or keep or for prayer blankets at church!  I haven't done many t-shirt quilts and wanted to make this one special as its a memory quilt so I have been searching the internet for all sorts of ideas for this quilt and came across an article that was published in Quiltmaker Magazine several years ago.  I was half reading the article and admiring the pictures of the quilts and the unusual way this woman had included full shirts on the back of the quilts!  I spotted a picture of a Hawaiian shirt and the caption said "one of Hugh Jewett's shirts!  I did a double take, then searched his name and Colorado and came up with his brief obituary!  I also found his wife's name and an address and phone number which I called.  There was no answer so I left my "I've been searching your Hugh Jewett our Hugh Jewett" message.  Yesterday I received a call and she left a message.  Yes, her Hugh was our Hugh!  I tried calling her back but was unable to reach her. Hope to try again tomorrow!   This was one of those stranger than life moments for me!  You just never know how small the world is until something like this happens!  Glad I located him but so sorry to hear he passed away so young!

On another note, Larry Butler, KHS 68 passed away Monday in Las Vegas.  He was one of my favorites from that class!  He will be missed!

12/04/19 01:16 PM #9156    


Chuck Redman

What a small world and what an amazing story, Sue. It does make you think that fate sometimes steps in and makes improbable things happen. But it's sad to hear the news about Hugh. He was one of a kind, so funny and good hearted. I hadn't seen him since high school or shortly thereafter. 

Thanks for following up so diligently on the mysterious quilt with our classmate's name. I wish it could have had a happier ending but sometimes there are loose threads that need to be tied up, for better or for worse.

12/04/19 10:02 PM #9157    


Frank Schickedanz

Sue  -  What a great surprise  -  too bad about the end result but is truly a miracle that you came across it.  You should go into Investigative Reporting  -  Maybe searching for cold cases or something like that  -  really pretty cool.

I was in Grand Island last week for my Sister's  50th  Anniversary celebration  -  supposed to have come in on Thanksgiving Day but the flights sort of closed in and the weather was suspicious so we came in Friday instead - in and out of Omaha (G _ _  D _ _ _ it was cold).  Omaha was pretty dry but as we got further west it became more white and found out that GI had  9  Inches of snow and Kearney had 9  Inches and then got  2  more.  Saturday was the party at the Chicken Coop in GI  -  then we got back to Fort Worth (via Omaha) and slept in my own bed that night.  Nice quick trip.  Someone should try to use that "via Omaha" for lyrics in a song  -  It could be a big hit.

Dan  -  Sheri is trying to teach my Niece her Jello-Shot technique  -  I have pictures  -  My Niece's husband is related to Steve's side of the family and they all showed up at the same Thanksgiving Day festivities.  Way to go Stickney.

Tiger  -  The BRONCOS finally got another WIN and Phillip Rivers got another loss to the BRONCOS .  What a deal.  Hopefully the Raiders will continue to lose  -  I love to see that Scowl on Gruden's face.

Dick  -  Did you  "Piss Off"  Joey  -  haven't heard from him for a while.  I guess I had better go to bed  -  I have a really hard day planned tomorrow (11:12AM Appointment) and it's supposed to be about 70* out.   Talk to you later  -  Go BRONCOS.

FLS  (Schick) 

12/07/19 12:12 PM #9158    


Danny Cavenee

Dec 7 , 1941  21 year old Lauren Bruner was the second to last man to escape the wreckage of the USS Arizona. This weekend  Dec 7,2019  Navy Divers will place Bruner  Ashes inside the Battleship. Lauren will be the last interment into the USS Arizona a true  Hero . Thank you for your Service .

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