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04/08/24 07:17 PM #10002    


Ron Smith

Happy birthday Kathie Dobberstein Jordan !!! Another Kenwood Kid has made it to 72. The only time I ever see you is at funerals. Not saying you are getting old but if you are having a birthday cake with candles make sure you have a fire extinguisher real close.

04/09/24 02:01 PM #10003    


Kathie Dobberstein (Jordan)

Thank you Ron. Yes I am getting old but I feel like I am 50. I can still keep up with the Grandkids.

04/15/24 05:38 PM #10004    


Ron Smith

Happy birthday to Cindy Walters Castillo !!! Another Kenwood Kid made it to 72. You are my all time favorite next door neighbor.

04/23/24 03:19 PM #10005    


Cindy Wilson (Rasmussen)

Please everyone pray for Anna Schroeder as she is back in the hospital and needs prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻

04/24/24 01:39 AM #10006    


Ron Smith

Prayers for Anna to get well soon.

04/24/24 07:27 AM #10007    


Sheri Stickney (Eatherton)

Prayers for Anna 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

05/06/24 08:03 AM #10008    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

I'm going to say it out loud, our class is broken. Dick was the glue that held us together and now that he is gone we are broken. Dick wouldn't want our class to be this way. He cared about everyone! So in honor of Dick, check on your classmates, see how they are doing! A kind word doesn't cost a thing and could mean the world to the person receiving it!

05/14/24 08:34 PM #10009    


Vicki Bissell

Joanne, I'm sorry to see about your brother's passing in the Hub.  My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

05/15/24 08:39 PM #10010    


Gary Martin

Joann, Vickie's and my condolences on the passing of your brother. We are at the stage of life that we're dealing with these things much too often. My younger sister just lost her husband unexpectedly a few weeks back. It's made us appreciate those close to us as much as possible while we're still here and kicking :)  We will be back in Nebraska for a week the middle of August and would like to get together with you guys and any other classmates that would be available for a meal and a few refreshments, wherever!!

05/16/24 05:42 PM #10011    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

Vicki, Gary and Vickie, thank you for your kind thoughts at my brother's passing. Due to my brother's lifestyle, we were estranged at the time of his death. I choose to remember him as a child and simpler times.
I agree that unfortunately we are at the age where checking the obituaries to see if we know anyone. I've lost three close friends within the last couple of weeks and I hate it.
What are the dates you will be back in Nebraska?
We have the Nebraska Vietnam Veteran reunion the 2nd weekend in August but hopefully we can see you.

05/17/24 10:03 AM #10012    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Joann~so sorry to hear about your brother.  I remember talking to you about him several years ago. Even though you were estranged it still has to hurt because of the person you remember and the person he could have been.  Deepest condolences to you!

I agree Dick was the glue who held us together and I sure miss him.  I haven't been good at keeping the website updated or posting on the forum.  We did not go to AZ this year due to my Mom's health.  We are on our first camping trip and I received a text this morning from her caregiver and she is in a lot of pain again.  She has congestive heart failure and it causes all sorts of problems for her.  Breaks my heart she struggles so much.  I know many of you have lost one or both of your parents and I am lucky to still have her at almost 93.  I am 8 weeks post op for a total right knee replacement and doing really well.  The last two days I'm feeling much better than I have the entire 8 weeks, more like my normal self.  I see I still have Easter on the website so will try to get it updated next week.

Have a great weekend everyone!

06/07/24 10:26 AM #10013    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

Happy 50th anniversary to Gary and Vickie Martin tomorrow! I hope you have a great celebration of your love and you have many more years together ❤️ 💗

06/09/24 12:17 PM #10014    


Carol Dennis (Bullock)

Joann, my condolences to you on the loss of your brother.  Since Steve's passing in March, I've been having a hard time knowing we can't see or call each other now.  I'm missing him bunches.  This late in the game we have to make the most of each time we see or hear from our friends & family.  Sue, I hope Thelma is doing better & you continue doing well on your knee.  Anna, I'm praying you're feeling better as well.  Think of our 97 yr. old Aunt Irene & how she continues to amaze us.  Gary & Vicki, happy anniversary!  I'm praying you're going to have many more years together.  I'm coming back to Kearney during the last week of July for a niece's wedding.  I hope to see as many of you as I can while back.  Have a great summer and stay healthy & well. We miss you & your wonderful humor, Dick!!  Someday again may we have a happy reunion with you, our friend!


06/10/24 12:23 PM #10015    


Sue Wise (Divan)

John received his 55th class reunion registration last week.  Hard to believe next year we will be 55 years since our high school graduation!  My how time flies.  I know many have retired since our 50th so please update your address and email in your profile.  It saves us money and time if we get reunion information to you the first time we try to contact you.

Carol-Mom has her ups and downs these days.  She continues to work to get better and we encourage her to do that.  We will enjoy her while we can.  My knee is doing well.  I can always tell when I  haven't been doing my exercises.   I'm going to try quilting on the longarm today so we'll see how that goes.  Happy summer everyone!

06/11/24 04:28 PM #10016    


Chuck Salestrom

Good afternoon; Would/could help get the word out that brother Jim's Celebration of Life will be held on Friday June 21 in the UNK Recital Hall beginning at 7:00.  We’d certainly appreciate it.  Heres’ the poster.  Questions?  I’m here.  Thanks so much….

07/07/24 03:31 PM #10017    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)  I'm not sure if any of you remember Kevin Rhodes, but he should have graduated with us. I've run into him various times in Lincoln and he was always such a nice person. I've posted the link to his obituary. May he rest in peace.

07/07/24 08:00 PM #10018    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Thanks for posting this.  I remember Kevin well.  We both spent a lot of time at Johnson Lake and stopped to visit after he moved away.  I knew he was in Lincoln but haven't seen him since we graduated.   So sorry to hear he has passed.  Sincerest condolences to his family.

07/07/24 09:35 PM #10019    


Barb Arnold (Jacobitz)

Susie, I remember Kevin from our elementary days at Park School...He always wore cute cowboy shirts as I recall.  I didn't realize he had moved away and graduated from another town/school! 
Sincere sympathy to his family.  


07/08/24 06:00 AM #10020    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

When I talked to Kevin on several occasions he always felt he was a part of our class. At one point I had told him that Susie would probably give him access to our class website but he hated to ask. He spoke fondly of our class!

07/08/24 07:29 AM #10021    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Thanks Barb!  I couldn't remember how long he attended Kearney Schools.  I think he moved before our sophomore year but I would have to check the Log for more information.   I did add him to the site as a classmate and he logged in back in 2009 but he did not complete his profile.  

07/08/24 09:09 AM #10022    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

Susie, thanks for granting Kevin access to our website. I wonder why he never set up his profile? Could be that is when he was traveling for Cabelas. In reading his obituary he definitely was a busy person.

07/14/24 12:59 PM #10023    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

I just saw that Harman Park pool is closed due to vandalism! What on earth is going on in our USA?

07/14/24 03:44 PM #10024    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Hugs and prayers for Karolyn Krumland Koogler on the passing of her sister, Annette. According to a post from Chuck Wolf, class of '67, she was recuperating from hip surgery at her home in IA.  Thinking of you and your sisters Karolyn. 

07/23/24 07:11 PM #10025    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Prayers are needed for Jerry Foote for a successful surgery on July 29th in CO.  Keep Cindy and their family in your prayers as well. 

07/26/24 05:36 PM #10026    


Karolyn Krumland (Koogler)

Thank you Sue and to everyone that sent cards and phone calls/ msgs. It was quite unexpected but we are all doing fine and know she is with Jesus. 

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