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12/15/22 05:47 PM #9877    


Ron Smith

Happy birthday Danny. I saw him today and I don't think he is ever going to retire. Looks like a kid with gray hair.

12/16/22 07:09 AM #9878    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

Happy belated birthday Danny! Hope you had a great day! I have a thought for your retirement income. You could make your party bus into a senior citizen bus and pick up your classmates to take them to the endless dr appts and make some money too!

12/16/22 09:31 AM #9879    


Sue Wise (Divan)

Happy birthday Dan!  Hope you had a great day and Deb made you a peach pie to celebrate!

12/16/22 12:08 PM #9880    


Marcene Niedt (Joy)

Happy birthday, Danny. You will always be Danny to me.  Have a great one

12/16/22 05:10 PM #9881    


Sandi Ayres (Allred)

Happy Birthday, Dan!  Good day to be in NE.  I think your Sturgis friends are buried under about 3' of snow.  I've been working remotely for 4 days this week.  It's been in the low 20s.  We can kiss that good-bye this weekend.  I believe the weather service is calling for highs in the single digits next week. BRRRR!

Hope your day was special!

12/20/22 07:54 AM #9882    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

Hard to believe it will be a year this Friday that we lost our classmate Dick Garrelts. He definitely kept our forum interesting with his wit! I for one miss him, but thankful to have known him!

Merry Christmas everyone!

12/21/22 10:20 AM #9883    


Kathi Geiser (Wright)

The forum is definitely less entertaining without Dick!  

Merry every day KHS Class of 70 !

12/23/22 09:26 PM #9884    


Ron Smith

Also thinking of Dick on this day.I wish Mimi and Weiner Dog a merry christmas too. Maybe Mimi will give Weiner Dog a ribeye steak in Dick's memory. The first time I met Dick was when we worked at the Landmark Restaurant together at the Odessa interchange off the interstate. He was a dishwasher and I was a busboy and we were about 14 then and Dick and I both made 75c an hour plus free meals.

12/24/22 02:36 PM #9885    


Vicki Bissell

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas!!

12/25/22 06:46 PM #9886    


Ron Smith

A very happy birthday to Carol,the Georgia Peach.Actually that was Ty Cobb but you are still a peach. My daughter only lives 50 miles from you in Holly Springs,Ga.

12/28/22 06:11 PM #9887    


Frank Schickedanz

TO ALL:  Well HELLO from Fort Worth, TX  -  Yes My Name is Frank Schickedanz and I am a Slacker  -  I have been lurking behind the scenes  -  watching all of you guys post and not responded  (even to my Birthday Wishes   -  Shame on me  and Thank You).  I have had a few of you call me and text me just to check on me and Thank You for that but I am alive and well.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to everyone that I missed saying it to  -  We seem to all (almost all of us) have a common denominator that is to be  "71"  -  "71"   -  OH MY GOD  -   "71"  -   let's get back to the real size  "71"   -  We did it  -  Contgratulations.

I have been a Grandpa for over a year now  -  What a Trip  -  Those Grandbabies are absolutely adorable and they Love Their Grandma and Grandpa and their Grandma and their Grandpa  love them back   -  we are geographically close to both of them and enjoy seeing them often.

A couple of Highlights in my life this year  -  (#1) I have been to hundreds of MLB games (That's Major League Baseball if some of you don't follow sports)  -  I was only 70 at the time at the ball game Yankees vs Rangers (the game after Aaron Judge hit #62) and I got my very 1st Foul Ball  -  That really was a highlight of my year.  (#2)  The Boys and I went to Baltimore for the BRONCOS game at the Ravens  -  Talking about those BRONCOS  -  it has been a rough go for the Boys in Orange & Blue but we'll be back (no predictions on the time frame but they will be back)  -  maybe when Mahomes retires.  

Carol & I have been traveling quite a lot  -  we spent the Super Bowl in Maui   -  what a beautiful area  -   we went to Burlington, Vermont for a concert -  what a beautiful area  -  we spent our anniversary in Cancun  -  what a beautiful area  -  and we have spent quite a few days in Indiana with her Mom who will be 93 in 2 days  -  What a Beautiful Lady. We also went to New York City to see the Christmas Lights.  I went to Phoenix to play golf with a Customer and spent some time with Gary and Vickie  -  it's always great to see those guys.  We also met Dan Blanton and Garrelts #2 in Portland to see The Doobie Brothers in concert and then went up the Oregon Coast  -  loved every minute of it  -  Always nice to see Dan & Sue and Terry & Joy.  On a Very Sad Note  -  I lost my Little Sister to a battle with cancer  -  she was only 68  -  another Beautiful Lady.  I will miss her.

Well  -  I have probably bored you to tears while I ramble on  -   I will try not to wait so long to post again  -  not a promise but I honestly will -  Hope everyone had a Great Christmas and Have a Happy New Year  -  Talk to you later.

FLS  (Schick) 

PS  -  I will try to post some pictures

12/31/22 02:29 PM #9888    


Ron Smith

Happy birthday Anna and a happy new year.

01/04/23 07:27 AM #9889    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

I have been watching (actually I'm becoming addicted to) the shows on YouTube where they explore abandoned homes/castles here and in Europe. What I know after watching these shows is our generation has a secret weapon! Cursive handwriting! These young people will come across handwritten letters and aren't able to read them! Our secret weapon! So glad we were raised during the time we were! We definitely had a great education growing up in Kearney!

01/06/23 08:45 AM #9890    


Frank Schickedanz

Joann  -  Now that is funny and so true  -  My Kids had all the tools in Math - Science - Sports Interest  -  English, etc  -  they couldn't write Cursive and you couldn't read their Printing.  It drove me nuts  -  I asked their Teachers about it and they basically told me that it was not an important issue.  BTW (that means By The Way in Text scribing)  -  I forgot to mention in my previous post that I did get to Nebraska 2  times last summer  -   one for my Nephew's High School Graduation and one for my Niece's Wedding.  Got to spend some Good Quality Time with Danny and Deb.  I try to move around alot  -  as they say "It's hard to hit a moving target" and I'm sure there are people that have me in their scopes.  Talk to you later.

FLS  (Schick)

01/07/23 05:07 AM #9891    


Joann Stengel (Tumbleson)

Schick, my grandson admitted to me that he can't read what I wrote on his birthday card! πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

01/21/23 06:36 PM #9892    


Sue Wise (Divan)

It has been ages since I've posted anything and looks like I need to change the home page and background again!  Frank, I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your sister. I can't imagine the pain of losing her. My thoughts and prayers are with you.  May all the great memories you have bring you comfort through this.  

we have a classmate whose husband had a mass removed from his brain last week.  Please say lots of prayers for his recovery and for her as she supports him in his recovery.  I do not have details or her permission to give you their names.  If anyone else does, please post for all of us. 

01/27/23 09:12 AM #9893    


Frank Schickedanz

Thank You Susie  -  I know alot of You Guys have lost Siblings but this is my 1st  -  I almost bragged that Carol comes from a Family of 7 and I come from a Family of 6  -  so I always said "out of 13 kids  -  We still have all of Brothers & Sisters"  -  Can't say that now.  Bummer

I worked hard to get an invitaiton from my Brother-In-Law to go to Maui for his Super Bowl party and he finally got the hint  -  so we were invited over there again  -  I'm rooting for the Bengals  -  I know there are plenty of Chiefs fans in our midst and I am a Mahomes fan (probably because he came out of Texas Tech) but I would really like to see Joe Burrow get a ring  -  seems like he is a pretty good kid.  We'll have to wait till next year to see what the  BRONCO do and they don't even have a 1st round draft pick to help  -  Thank you Russell Wilson.

Guess I better go and get some work done  -  I'm still not retired.  Talk to you later.

FLS  (Schick)

01/29/23 09:14 PM #9894    


Frank Schickedanz

"If You Can't Beat em'  -  Join em'"   -  GO CHIEFS

FLS  (Schick)

01/30/23 03:48 PM #9895    


Ron Smith

I just read in the Hub that Leonard McCarville our 6th grade teacher at Kenwood died yesterday at the age of 94.He was at the St.John's facility in Kearney. He would have been about 35 when he taught us along with principal Malay Moberg in the 6th grade. It would be nice if some of us Kenwood kids were at his funeral to honor him. RIP Mr.McCarville. I think our only surviving Kenwood teacher is Janet Chavet.

01/30/23 08:09 PM #9896    


Barb Arnold (Jacobitz)

I saw that about Mr. McCarville, also! We had him at Park School when we were in 5th grade! We must have been to ornery, so he left and went to Kenwood! 

01/31/23 09:58 AM #9897    


Frank Schickedanz

To All  -  Does anyone know where Dick got the Cheese Frenchees that he served at a couple of those Mini Reunions??  So I Googled Cheese Frenchee and this is what came up "People in Nebraska Are Eating Deep-Fried Grilled Cheese Sandwiches Like It's No Big Deal"  -  "They call this magical creation a Cheese Frenchee, and they are predictably delicious."  It talked about King's Food Host and a couple of other Restaurants in Omaha  -  Amigos/Kings Classic.  Just thinking about it.  Talk to you later.

FLS  (Schick)

01/31/23 10:02 AM #9898    


Frank Schickedanz

Just so you know  -  I pulled up the Amigos/Kings Classic website and they have them on their menu and I can order them on line  -  8 of the Wedges for $14.99  -  I'll have to see what the cost of shipping is.  Talk to you later.

FLS  (Schick)

01/31/23 02:48 PM #9899    


Holly Heacock (Reiter)

Shick, so sorry to hear of your sister's passing, sending sympathy and comfortπŸ™πŸ»  Also, while watching the KC Bengals game, we were a bit neutral.  I love KS and Mahomes is incredible but our daughter graduated from LSU during the Burrow years at LSU so I have been a huge fan of Joe. I thought that game was crazy fun to watch but in the end I was happy KC won! Go Chiefs!🏈🏈🏈  Tell your sweet wife hello from me, stay healthy and safe in this  disquieting world we are living through. 
Thinking of Mimi and family as it has been a year since our dear friend, Dick passed. He was a very special man and I so very much miss his unceasing wit on the forum.😒❀️  

We are also enjoying our new grandson, Hayes, who was born March 26 to Ashley and her husband, Zach. We are blessed to have them living close. 








01/31/23 03:58 PM #9900    


Sandi Ayres (Allred)

Mr. McCarville was my favorite male role model (along with our janitor) at Park School.  Everyone loved him!  His favorite baseball team was the Cardinals.  My cool  memory of him is when he let us listen to the World Series on his transistor radio (I think).  It must have been 1964 when they beat the Yankees 4-3.  Who else from Park remembers that?

01/31/23 06:12 PM #9901    


Ron Smith

Happy birthday Dick Kincaid !!!

Also,anyone interested in attending Leonard McCarville's funeral it will be Feb.3 at 10:00 am at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in Kearney.Sadly,according to his obit he lost his eyesight to macular degeneration. 38 years in education at Kearney Public Schools.

Quite a memory Sandi remembering Mr. McCarville letting your class listen to the 1964 World Series. Omaha native Bob Gibson won game 7 for the Cardinals and Phil Linz former Kearney Yankee (when Kearney had their farm team in the late 50"s} hit a home run in the top of the 9th for the Yankees.

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